Advanced CSS & Sass

Three pillars of writing good HTML and CSS

black and brown wooden fence

There are three important and fundamental principles that we should constantly keep in mind.

  • Responsive design
  • Write maintainable and scalable code
  • Care about web performance

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Which means to build websites that work beautifully across multiple devices.

Maintainable and scalable code

It’s important to write clean, easy-to-understand and reusable code that supports future growth, not only beneficial to yourself but also some other developers who might work with you. Thus should think about the architecture of the css, which is the way to organize the files, how to name classes and how to structure HTML.

Web performance

Means to make the website faster, and to make it smaller in size, so the user has to download less data. There are many factors affect performance, such as making less HTTP requests (meaning should include less files in our HTML document), write less code, compress code, use a CSS processor, and reduce the number of images (since they are by far the biggest in size) as well as compress images.


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